My Task

The My Task menu maintains, organizes and provides quick access to features and service tasks that are routinely used. Several common features and service tasks appear under the My Task menu by default. A user can pin any feature they are authorized to access to their My Task menu.



Common Features in My Task


The following features appear in the My Task menu by default.


  • My Messages: The My Messages feature lists messages you have received in the application.
  • Send Message: The Send Message feature can be used to send messages to other NetZoom users.
  • Alerts:  The Alerts feature lists alerts the logged in user has received, along with their date, severity, status and the source of the alert. The number next to the icon in the Feature Menu indicates the number of pending alerts.
  • Favorites: NetZoom allows you to save features so you can quickly access them when needed, like setting “favorite” web pages in your browser. Favorites can be managed using the Favorites feature.
  • Users Settings: The Active User can customize their personal settings with the User Settings feature.
  • Hide Properties: The Hide Properties feature is used to hide properties from entities so they do not appear in entity instance details.
  • Delegate Login: The Delegate Login feature allows you to authorize your login credentials to another user for a specified time period.
  • Subscribe Alert: Users can subscribe to alerts using the Subscribe Alert feature.
  • Command Center: Users can create their own command center using My Task/My Task/User Settings/Command Center and display it on one or more screens using My Task/My Task/Command Center.
  • NetZoom Service Portal: Users can register to the service porta, sign in, and make shape requests using these features.
  • Executive Dashboards: The What Do We Have, How Are We Doing, What Can Be Optimized, and Where Are We Heading features display dashboards related to their respective topic.

You can also pin any feature you are authorized to use to your My Task menu to easily access it.

Pinning Features to My Task

  1. To pin features to your My Task menu, navigate to the User Settings feature.

Path: My Task/My Task/User Settings/User Settings


  1. In the Available Settings pane, select My Task. A list of features you are authorized to use will appear in the Details pane.
  2. Check [X] the features you want to pin to the My Task menu in the Details pane. You will notice when you refresh the application that these features appear in your My Task menu.




Last Updated: Thursday, August 13, 2020

NetZoom, Inc.